Pocket Pugs
Welcome to the new Pocket Pugs web site. It is still under construction
but you will see it is full of changes to showcase my passion for the
wonderful little creatures we cannot seem to live without...Pugs!
In the coming weeks and months this site will grow to include all of my dogs
and those whom I still have ties to, both in and out of the show ring. So, be
patient. This is a work in progress and will always be in a state of growth
and change.
Thanks for stopping by and please, explore the links to my boys and girls
and their accomplishments in the upper left hand column.
• Pocket Pugs •
Since 1988, showing, breeding and enjoying AKC Registered Pugs.
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All content is private property and protected by the laws of The United
States of America. Do NOT copy or distribute without written permission.
Here's our backyard where the Pugs play and we enjoy having our annual Pug Party.
The Doggie Area
Our Other "Pug"